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Membership & Seats Purchase for 5785

 If you are renewing your Membership and Seats from last year, please use the Quick Form below. If you are looking to purchase new seats or change your current seats, please see the gabboim or the Seating Committee.

The seating committee will be selling New Memberships, Associate Memberships, as well as, new seats and requests for changing seats, on the following two dates: NOTE DATE CHANGE

Thursday Evening           September 26th      07:30pm – 08:30pm

Motzai Shabbos                 September 30th         10:30pm – 12:30am

These are the only two scheduled dates for selling seats.  All other seating issues  should be addressed by either emailing us or by contacting the Seating Committee; Peretz Perl, Buzzy Katz or Benji Bass, directly.

USE THIS FORM FOR RENEWALS. Please pay all open balances.

You can now choose a Full Membership and automatically receive a complementary, Brown Brick at no additional charge. 

or Choose a Associate Membership below. 
When you choose a Associated Membership, a complementary Red Brick, will be included at no additional charge.

After clicking on type of membership desired, Click here for the number of Men's seats. All Seats are $150 each. Please enter then names of the men above.

Enter names separated by commas, so they can be added to chart

Click here for the number of Ladies seats. All seats are $150 each. Please indicate the Women's names below.

Enter names separated by commas, so they can be added to chart

This drop down, allows you to donate additional Bricks. Every Dollar will help.  Thanks!.

You can also include payment for any outstanding balance here.

If known, you can indicate above, what the Previous Balance Payment  on the left, was for.

TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Upon clicking on submission button, you will be taken to Credit Card section for payment.


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Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785